
説教あらすじ     「イエスは共におられる神」    (08/04/2018)


◆共におられる神 (神は世の初めからいつもご自分の民と共におられた)

*アサ王へのことば [Ⅱ歴代誌15:2]


◆『インマヌエル』の約束 [マタイ1:23]

・イエスは「私たちと神との仕切りを壊すため」 また、「神と共に歩む人生の模範を示すため」 に来られた。

[マタイ28:18-20] = これは「クリスチャンにとっての聖書メッセージの要約」とも言えることば。


◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [マタイの福音書 28章20節後半]


Outline of the sermon      Jesus is ‘God with us’.     (08/04/2018)

◎The topic today is “Jesus Christ is God who is always with us forever”. [Matthew 28:20b]

God is with us. (God has been with His people from the beginning.)

*The word for King Asa. [ⅡChronicles15:2]

・It is our sin that hinders us from recognizing “God who is always with us”. [Isaiah 59:1-2]

Jesus came to us as “Immanuel”. [Matthew1:23]

・Jesus came “to destroy the wall between God and us” and “to show us how it is like ‘to be with God’”.

[Matthew 28:18-20] = This is “the essence of Bible message” towards Christians.

・Jesus has “all authority” and he is always with us forever not because of our faithfulness but “because of

his faithfulness” to his promise.

“A memory verse” for this week [Matthew 28: 20b]


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