
説教あらすじ         真理はあなたを自由にする     (01/09/2013)



  ・イエスは私たちにいのちを与えに来た『真理』だが、悪魔は「偽りの真理」によって私たちを欺く。[ヨハネ10:10, 8:44]

『本当の真理』の特徴 [ヨハネ8:31]




  ・行動を変えるだけでは、ダメ。(クモの巣をはらうだけでなく、クモそのものを取り除く) あなたの『信念』を探る


   ①行動・態度   ②感情   ③考え・セルフトーク   ④信念・結論

   ⑤このことに対する神の見方(みことば)   ⑥チャレンジ









Outline of the sermon    “The truth sets you free.”   (01/09/2013)

◆Why did the Titanic sink?

  ・There are 2 types of 『Truth』 for usReal truth」 and 「The truth which we just think it is」.

  ・Jesus is 『The truth』 who came to give us life, whereas the devil deceives us with 「False truth」. [John10:10, 8:44]

◆Characteristic of Real truth. [John8:31]

  ・It sets you free.  If you are feeling opposite, you may have been captured by 「False truth」.

  ・It is not your effort, your will or training to set you free from your 「bad habits or sins」!

     It is to know the truth, and stay in the truth(Earnest Christians tend to fall into this trap.)

  ・Dealing with your behavior is not enough.(Do not remove web only, but “spider itself”) Dig out of your 『Assumption』.

How to distinguish between “Truth” and “Assumption”

①   Action/Behaviour.   ②Emotion.   ③Thought/Self talk.   ④Belief/Conclusion.

       ⑤God’s view(Scripture).   ⑥Challenge.

Step1:Trace and face “your” truth.(Is it working for you or against you?  Is it in harmony with the Scripture?)

Step2:Replace 『New truth』 if your truth is not 「Real truth」.

  ・I was surprised to find that “my belief” has not been quite hitting the point even though I have been trying my

    best to follow Jesus and his words for more than 30 years.

  ・It must take some time to get used to the “New way of living” even though it is “Real truth”.

Just persevere until you feel comfortable about it! [Galatians 6:9]


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