
説教あらすじ           『恵み』とは?       (08/09/2013)





    ①「ぶどう園労働者のたとえ」(マタイ20:1-16)  ②「放蕩息子の兄」(ルカ15:25-32)







◆「ただで受けた」者が「ただで与える」 [マタイ10:8]

  ・[マタイ5:45-48] 天の父の『完全な』性質 = 相手に関わらず「最善」を与える ー これこそが『恵み』!


     『心の一新』 ― 自分の「常識・思い込み・道徳」ではなく、「神がキリストにおいてしてくださった通りに」。





Outline of the sermon    “What is ‘Grace’ all about?”   (08/09/2013)

◆What is “Grace” all about?

  ・It is particularly important for “Christians”. [Ephesians 2:5]

Stumbling block of “Grace”.

  ・“Grace” of the Bible looks like unfair from earthly perspective.

    ①The parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.(Matthew 20:1-16)

       ②The older brother of “Prodigal Son”.(Luke 15:25-32)

  ・This world is full of 「those which do not belong to “Grace”」.(at school, workplace, home and even church・・・)

◆Aren’t we losing “The sense of Grace”?

  ・“A church without grace” no longer belongs to Jesus.  Then what was his perspective like?

      ① He was not spoiled by earthly sense of value.   ② He was looking at “God’s image” in people.

◆Those who have freely received will freely give. [Matthew10:8]

  ・[Matthew 5:45-48] Our heavenly Father is 『Perfect』. = He give “Best” to people whoever they are.

     This is 『The Grace』!  And this completely opposes to 「the pattern of this world」. [Romans12:2]

  ・『the renewing of mind』 ― Be transferred from 「Earthly commonsense, assumption, morals」

to 「The way God showed us through Christ」.

Christian life is to receive God’s 「Unconditional grace & forgiveness

and to give people this 「Unconditional grace & forgiveness」.

✯Let us be killed by 『Grace』 and raised up again by 『Grace』!


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