
説教あらすじ          「信仰の一致」         (20/08/2017)

[ヘブル11:6] 『信仰』なしに「神と喜びを共有すること」はできない。

とは? ― 創造主である唯一の神。全知全能。愛と聖さに満ちた良い父。すべての源。 [ローマ11:36]


・信仰とは、『方向性』。 ⇒ 神は不動のお方。この方に照準をピタリと合わせて生きる。

◆信仰と行い [Ⅰペテロ2:19-21]








Outline of the sermon         Unity in the Faith.       (20/08/2017)

[Hebrews11:6] *We can never “share heavenly joy with God” without “Faith”.

・Who is God like? ― The only Creator.  Good Father with full of grace & truth.  The reason of all. [Romans11:36]

・It is not enough to believe that “God exists”![James 2:19]

・Faith is: “Direction”. ⇒ God is unchangeable.  We have to be “stay focused on Him”!

Real faith. [ⅠPeter 2:19-21]

“Faith” is more than expecting “immediate reward on the earth from God”.  It gives us “hope and joy for

things unseen”. [Hebrews11:13]

・They say, “Faith without action is not Real”.  But do not seek “action” too much! As long as you keep

“Real faith (which focuses on the right direction), that faith will be revealed through you.

Real faith enables us “to overcome the world”. [ⅠJohn 5:4]

✰Let us encourage one another to fix our eyes on the only one true God, and run our “Race of faith” until the end


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