
説教あらすじ        「イエスのごとく生きる」     (14/04/2013)

[ヨハネ17: 24-26]  *「イエスの祈り」 最終回。 深い真理が含まれている。

「わたしのいる所に一緒におらせてください!」 [24節前半]

  ・「イエスのおられる所」とは?= 『神の御座の右』 [へブル12:2]


私たちは「キリストと同様」 [Ⅰヨハネ4:17]



・[25節] この世は(天からの介入がない限り)天にあるものを悟り得ない。それ故神は御子を遣わされた。[ヨハネ3:13]


    ①行動?➝ No!  ②意識?➝ △  ③人生の主導権 ➝ YES

   ・神に対する『献身』。あくまで「自主的」な従順が必要。イエスでさえもこの『従順』を学ばれた。[へブル 5:8-9]




今日も神は、私たちの『愛』、「◯◯にも関わらず 信じて従う心」に賭けておられる





Outline of the sermon    “We live just as Jesus lived.”     (14/04/2013)

[John 17: 24-26]  *The last part of 「Jesus’ prayer」.  There are lots to learn from it.

I want these people to be with me where I am!」 [Verse 24a]

  ・Where is Jesus right now?= at the right hand of the throne of God』. [Hebrews 12:2]

  ・Our 『New Life』 is now hidden with Christ in God.  Therefore we cannot experience the power of this life

unless we see the life on the earth from 「heavenly perspective」. [Colossians 3:1-4]

We are 「like Christ」. [ⅠJohn 4:17]

・We have to understand that 「We have become of heaven (dead) in Christ」 and 「been sent from above by

Christ as risen ones to the earth」.

・[Verse 25] None of the earth knows what belongs to heaven.  This is why Jesus came to the world. [John 3:13]

◆ What has to be renewed in us to 「live just as Jesus lived」?

    ①Action?➝ No!  ②Mind?➝ △  ③Leadership of Life ➝ YES

   ・『Commitment』 to God of your own free will.  Even Jesus had to learn 『Obedience』![Hebrews 5:8-9]

◆ The story of Job.

   ・Satan cannot believe 『Love』, so he insisted that Job was obedient to God 「for a reason」.  Therefore

God allowed Satan to attack him so that Satan would have to know Job obeying God 「without reason」.

Today God is relying on our 『Love』 and 「Obedience without reason」

Do not assimilate to this world, but as the ones of heaven, let us run

the race of obedience」 on the earth with our own free will just as Jesus did!


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