
説教あらすじ    目をさましていよう!  (23/11/2014)

[コロサイ 4:2~9]

『祈り』とは? ― それは「神の国とのコネクション」。パスワードは『イエス・キリスト』。

◆目をさまして祈る [2節]

・肉体的に目覚めていても、神に心を向けていなければ、霊的には眠っている。[エペソ1:18-19] 『神の力』は、




  ①「状況を変えるため」の祈り [3節]



  ②「不利な状況の中で、神と波長を合わせるため」の祈り [4節]




◆『祈り(神の国へのアクセス)』は自分自身のためだけでなく、周囲の人々のためでもある [5~6節]




Outline of the sermon     Being watchful and pray!”  (23/11/2014)

[Colossians 4:2~9]

“Prayer” ― It is ‘WiFi connection with God’s kingdom’.  Its password is: “Jesus Christ”.

◆Being watchful and pray! [Verse 2]

・Even though you are physically awake, you are spiritually asleep unless eyes of your heart are enlightened.

Therefore, we must be watchful for what God is doing around us.                       [Ephesians1:18-19]

Then shouldn’t we ask God for our needs?

◆2 types of prayer.

  ①Prayer to call on God. [Verse 3]

・We ask God ‘to intervene our situation’. (Ex : Healing, Wisdom, Help, etc)

・Paul asked people for a prayer that God might open a door for the gospel.  We should pray for this too.

  ②Prayer to tune in to God. [Verse 4]

・We can find our God working in any circumstances because He is always at His work.

・Paul knew that God’s word was never chained even though himself was chained. [ⅡTimothy 2:9]

And Onesimus was saved in that situation! [Verse 9,Philemon1:9-10]

◆We have to use this “WiFi access to the kingdom” for others also. [Verses 5-6]

・God’s blessings are always not only for ourselves but also for others.

Make the most of the power of prayer for yourself, then bless others!


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