
説教あらすじ      真に一致するために    (12/04/2015)

*「神が望んでおられる教会」になるための2番目の要素 = 互いの一致 [ヨハネ17:21]


・「神の御子に関する信仰と知識との一致」 ➝ かしらなるキリストへ

・私たちが真に一致するには、お互いを見ていたのではダメ。 同じ方に対する信仰と知識。


   ①キリストは神の御子であり、神はキリストを通してご自身を現された。[コロサイ2:9, ヨハネ14:9]


   ③神はキリストを受け入れた者を神の子とされ、永遠のいのちを与えられる。[ヨハネ1:12, 3:16]


[コロサイ2:3, Ⅱコリント4:7, Ⅰコリント2:12]



どういうことなのか」を悟るようになる。[ピリピ3:7-8 パウロの証]








Outline of the sermon      Be in true unity.”    (12/04/2015)

*2nd factor to be “The church God desires” = Unity. [John17:21]

◆How can we be in “true unity”?[Ephesians 4:13,15]

・“By reaching unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God” ➝ To grow into the Head(Christ).

・We can never be in unity by looking at each other.  Seek faith & knowledge of the One who is our head.

The knowledge of Christ.

   ①Christ is the Son of God and God revealed Himself through Christ. [Colossians 2:9, John14:9]

   ②Christ died for our sins and was raised on the 3rd day. [ⅠCorinthians15:3-4]

   ③God gives eternal life and the right to become His children to those who believe in Christ.[John1:12, 3:16]

   ④Christ lives in believers and teaches them His riches by His Spirit.

[Colossians 2:3, ⅡCorinthians 4:7, ⅠCorinthians 2:12]

To live a significant life.

・We find “who we really are” & “true meaning of life” through living in the relationship with God through Christ.

[Philippians 3:7-8, Paul’s testimony]  Jesus knows about you much better than you do.  But Satan always tries

to deceive you by “comparison with others”, “seeking easy life” or “depression at your fault”.

Why should we gather?

・We live not “to achieve something” but “to live 『God-given life』 fully”.  Therefore we gather to seek Christ

together, to encourage each other to know Him better and burn with passion for Jesus our Lord!


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