
説教あらすじ          ペテロの信仰       (18/10/2015)


◎関東・関西地区での「クライストチャーチ帰国組同窓会」  ◎グローバル・リターニーズ・カンファランス













◎『帰国者クリスチャン』に対する大きな期待 ― ①多くの若者たち  ②教団・教派を超えている

◆One Step Further.(2つの体験がきっかけ)

*ペテロの信仰 [ルカ5:1-6,マタイ14:24-29]

・自分の常識とは違っても「信仰によって」行動を起こす。(Listen and obey.)


Outline of the sermon           Peter’s faith.”      (18/10/2015)

◆Highlight of our trip to Japan.

◎“Reunion meeting” in Kanto & Kansai area.  ◎Attending “Global Returnees Conference”.

 ① “Reunion meeting” in Osaka.

・Just a small group of people(12) but very intimate and good time of sharing & prayer.

・Yoshiko described her struggle as “a returnee Christian” very well.

(Ken visited her church in Kyoto after the meeting and shared about ministry in Christchurch.)

 ② “Reunion meeting” in Utsunomiya.

・It was 2 nights 3 days.  Many met for the first time.  Over 25 people in total.

・Worship God with songs they used to sing, read Scriptures, shared and prayed together in groups.

・Attended Minemachi Christ church, then went to eat dumpulings.  Pray for their continuous fellowship.

 ③ “Global Returnees Conference”(GRC)

・JCFN holds it every 3 years for those who became Christians all over the world and came back to Japan.

・It was held at the foot of Mt. Fuji for 4 days.  Over 400 people got together which surprised Michie-san.

・Bigger group of returnees from NZ than usual.  Some of them took a role of group leader for the conference.

◎ “Big Hope” through these returnee Christians. ― Mostly young people.  ②No theological conflicts.

◆One Step Further.(There were 2 crucial coincidences.)

*Peter’s faith. [Luke 5:1-6,Matthew14:24-29]

・Take action not by our own understanding but by faith.(Listen and obey.)


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