
説教あらすじ      イエスを見つめて生きる   (22/02/2015)

[Ⅰペテロ1:8-9] ここで言われているのは…

1. 私たちは肉眼でイエス・キリストを見ることができるわけではない。

2. にも関らず私たちはイエスを信じ、愛し、喜びに満たされることができる。➝ ではそのカギは何か?

◆日々「イエスを見つめて生きる」ための 3段階


・レビ記の『いけにえの規定』から学べること ➝ 「罪責感からの解放」と「神との関係の回復の喜び」

そして「2度と罪を繰り返すまい」という固い決意 = これが神が十字架を通して行われたこと [ローマ 5:8]

②生きる目標を天に置く [Ⅰペテロ1:5-9]



③他の人の利益を求める [Ⅰコリント10:31]

・『何をするにも神の栄光のために』とは? ➝ 常に「周囲の人々の益」を考えながら行動すること [10:23-33]

・これこそが主イエスの歩まれた道。[ピリピ2:3-9] この「イエスの模範に従って歩む者を、神は祝福せずには





Outline of the sermon     To fix our eyes on Jesus.”  (22/02/2015)

[ⅠPeter1:8-9] Here are what these verses say…

1 We are not able to see Jesus Christ with our physical eyes.

2 Yet, we can believe, love and rejoice in Jesus. ➝ How can it happen?

◆ 3 steps to fix our eyes on Jesus daily.

Be fascinated with love of God demonstrated on the cross.

・Through the book of Leviticus we can learn, “to be free from guilt of sin”, “joy of recovery in the relationship

with God” and “determination not to repeat sins”. = This is what God has done on the cross![Romans 5:8]

Set our mind in heaven. [ⅠPeter1:5-9]

・Readers of this letter were in severe persecution.  They had no advantages to follow Jesus on the earth.

So they put all their hope not on the earth but in heaven. [ⅠJohn 2:15-16]

Seek the good of others. [ⅠCorinthians10:31]

・What does it mean by “Do all for the glory of God”? ➝ Seek always the good of others. [10:23-33]

・Jesus showed us an example in his life. [Philippians 2:3-9]  We believe that God cannot help blessing those

who follow this example of Jesus.[ⅠPeter1:8-9]

◆ What is “loving God” all about?[ⅠJohn 4:20]

Be fascinated with love of God, set our eyes not on the things on the earth but in heaven

and seek doing good of others to fix our eyes on Jesus


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