
説教あらすじ        信じる者に伴うしるし     (20/03/2016)

◆福音の中身⑥ ― 「信じる者に伴うしるし」(信じる者は「イエスのわざ」を行う、と言われた)[ヨハネ14:12]

・イエスが最も頻繁に行われたことは「病のいやし」[ルカ6:19] ― これはイエスの『メシア性』をも証明。[マタイ8:16-17]







②「信じる者に伴うしるし」は、福音宣教と共に働く。 [マルコ16:15-20]










Outline of the sermon     Signs accompany believers.   (20/03/2016)

*What has God given us with Jesus? ― ⑥“Signs accompany those who believe”.

◆Anyone who has faith in Jesus will do what he was doing”. [John14:12]

・Jesus spent lots of time for healing people. [Luke 6:19] ― This was part of fulfillment of prophecy.[Matthew 8:16-17]

・We definitely cannot do this with our own strength.  But Jesus also needs us as his instrument to do his work.

◆Why does God heal sickness?

  Because it is His will.

・God is willing to invite each of us into “the relationship with Him” so that we will be restored to who we

should be physically as well as spiritually.

・God loves to heal us if that sickness blocks us to come to Him.  “God of love” never wishes us suffering

from unnecessary hardship.

To introduce who He is. [Mark16:15-20]

・He is aiming not at “signs and wonders themselves” but for “inviting us to the relationship with Him”.

Therefore He perform His miracles when He was being introduced properly as confirmation.

・God can no longer work with us if we take notice of “miracles themselves” or “ourselves who are being

used only as His instruments”.

◆Not by “prayer” but by “declaration”.

・In the Bible no one “pray” for healing.  They always either commanded or declared.  It doesn’t matter how

hard or how long we pray for healing.  “Power of Jesus” and “his love” only matters.  We approach sick

people by the Spirit(heart of Christ) and put our hands on them.  If we pray, pray beforehand. [Acts 28:8]


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