



説教あらすじ        「神の国 vs この世」      (27/11/2016)



◆主を恐れること [箴言9:10]




・『恐れる』 = 「顔色を伺う」 ― 最も喜ばせたい相手に対する態度。

◆この世の支配者「悪魔」の策略 [ヤコブ4:4-7]


①恐れ(= 私たちが本来の力を発揮できなくする)


悪魔は既に『敗者』。[ヨハネ16:33]  『脅す』ことしかできない![ヤコブ4:7-10]

②高ぶり(= 神の介入のチャンスを妨害する)


これらは「単なる無知」or「勝利にのぼせてしまった」 → ちゃんと神を知るために神に近づきなさい!」





Outline of the sermon    “‘The kingdom of God’ vs ‘this world’.  (27/11/2016)

*When we go forward with “the kingdom of God” in this world, we surely face “spiritual battles”.

Today we’ll learn how the battles are like and the secret to overcome them.

The fear of the LORD. [Proverbs 9:10]

・The Hebrew word for “Holy” can be translated to “overwhelming, incomparable”.

・Once you come to know “the one you should really fear”, you no longer have to fear anything else.

・God is telling us, “fear notso many times .  Why is that?[Isaiah 41:10,Romans 8:31]

・“The fear of the LORD” = “Look into God’s face” ― God is the one we want to please the most

The devils weapon. [James 4:4-7]

*The devil is trying hard to tempt us with these 2 things.

Fear. (= It dulls our advances.)

・The devil uses “everything of this world” to tempt us. (To turn our attention away from God.)

The devil is already “a loser”. [John16:33]  Only he can do is “to threaten us”![James 4:7-10]

Pride.(= It interrupts rescue from God.)

・“I can do it better than God does”, “I know about it better than God does”, “I don’t really need God”!

These are either “ignorance” or “conceited about God-given victories”. → Come near to God

・If we really fear (try to please) God, this world becomes our enemy.  So we’ll have many troubles.

BUT we will experience God “lifting us up”

Fix your eyes on God and make a right choice each time by refusing deception of the devil


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