
説教あらすじ        「『罪』に関する 神の真理     (08/05/2016)

◆すべての罪は「神に対して」でもある [ルカ15:18]




とは、神に対して反抗する、心の中の霊的態度である」 (デレック・プリンス)

すなわち、神から与えられた「自由選択を自分本位に用いようとすること。 [ローマ14:23]





正しい選択をできないでいる私たちをさえ憐れんで、御子イエスを遣わされた。[ローマ8:3] 何という恵み







・理屈では、そう。[ローマ8:1] でも現実にはそうはならない。[ヘブル9:14]


Outline of the sermon       God’s truth about ‘Sin’.      (08/05/2016)

◆All sins are “against God” as well as against its victim. [Luke15:18]

・Your sin hurts “God who loves you and expects best for your life”.

◆What is “Sin” all about?

・“Sin” is not your ‘behavior’ but ‘something inside of you which causes you to do it’.

Sin is the spiritual attitude in our heart against God.” (Derek Prince)

In other words, it is to use our ‘God given “free-will in selfish way’. [Romans14:23]

・If you think, “why can’t we use it in whatever we like?”, that shows that you are “sinners”!

◆Do not take our “free-will” for granted!

・‘Going to hell’ is not the sequence of “God’s punishment” but the sequence of “our free choice today”!

・God gave us “the law” to help us make ‘right choice’[Deuteronomy 30:19]; furthermore, He sent Christ Jesus

to save those who had been failing to make right choice for their weaknesses[Romans 8:3].  What a grace

・We escape from ‘bad sequence’ by “choosing to come close to God with your free-will”. [James 4:8]

◆ 2 questions remained.

  ① Will Christians not sin any more

・It doesn’t look like so.  But there is a promise that one day we’ll be transformed into Christ likeness.

・We have become a new creation in Christ and started looking ourselves “in the relationship with God”. [Romans 6:10-11]

  ② Shall we sin because we are under grace

・The answer can be, “Yes”. [Romans 8:1]  But it won’t go that way. [Hebrews 9:14]


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