
説教あらすじ         「主イエス・キリスト」      (08/01/2017)





◆イエスを『主』とする [コロサイ2:6-7]

*合言葉 ― 「キリストにあって」(「何をするか」よりも、『動機』を探れ!)

・『自分』を喜ばせるため? あるいは、自分が「クリスチャンらしい」と思いたいから?



◆キリストが「教会のかしら」 [エペソ1:22-23,コロサイ1:18]



そんなの「堅苦しい」? また「何となく怖い」? ― 心配しなくても、イエスが導いてくださる。







Outline of the sermon     “The Lord Jesus Christ.”   (08/01/2017)

“Jesus the Messiah” or “Jesus the Lord”. [Acts 2:36]

・You will “go to heaven” just by accepting Jesus as your “Savior”.  However …

You will “bring heaven to the earth” if you accept Jesus as your “Lord” and live under his authority.

・You are glorifying God the Father when you recognize Jesus as your “Lord”. [Philippians 2:9-11]

Receive Jesus as “Lord”. [Colossians 2:6-7]

*Key word. ― “In Christ”.(Focus on your “motivation” rather than “what you do”!)

・Am I doing this to please “myself”?  Do I identify myself as “A Christian” by doing this?

Or am I doing this because “I love Jesus and want to please him”? [Matthew 5:11-12]

・When Jesus gives us “his joy”, it fills us from the bottom of our hearts and spread into “whole church”.

Christ is “the head of the church”. [Ephesians1:22-23,Colossians1:18]

・“Head of the church” is neither pastor or board members.  It is “Christ”!

・We are not “Church” unless we walk under Christ’s authority.

Do you feel uneasy? Or are you afraid of committing yourself to Christ?

― Do not worry!Christ will guide his church (us) and transform us into his radiant body. [Ephesians 5:22-27]


✰Christ guides us with his overwhelming power & love.  Be in peace and transformed into

his “perfect body” by submitting yourself to him.


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