
説教あらすじ          「2つのいのち」       (02/04/2017)

[ガラテヤ2:20] ― 今日はこのみことばに取り組む



深い悲しみの中、夫婦は娘の臓器提供を決断 → 心臓は遠方の見知らぬ女性の体に移植された。

・母親のたった1つの切なる願い。「娘の心臓の鼓動を聞きたい!」 願いは実現した。


= 「確かに死んだはずのキリスト」のいのちが、私たちの内に「確かに今生きている」!!













Outline of the sermon      Living in two lives.    (02/04/2017)

[Galatians 2:20] ― We tackle on this verse today.

Life of Christ.

・In 2010 a tragedy occurred to a couple.  Their only daughter, Taylor, was killed by skiing accident.

The couple decided to donate their daughter’s organs even in their struggle.  Her heart was given to a young lady.

・Taylor’s mom had only one request: She wanted to hear her daughter’s heartbeat.  And the request was answered.

・She heard the heartbeat and realized, “My daughter who surely has died is surely now alive!”

= In the same way, “Christ who surely has died is surely now alive !!”

Our Father God rejoices when He sees His only Son, Jesus, is surely alive within each of us.

Life of ours.(“The other aspect of the story”.)

・Patricia was too weak to do much more than sleep because her heart kept failing since she was little.  But guess

what! She miraculously got an offer of a new heart! Fear of death has gone and her “New life” has started!

・Here are some advice from her doctor.

“This new heart will never take control of your mind, yet you cannot live without this new heart either.

So each morning, please recognize your heartbeat and thank for it.  Try your best to avoid bad habits and

take good food and exercise so that your new heart keeps providing you ‘the best result for your life’.”

・We still hold “freewill” even after we got “a new life” from Christ.

Therefore it is all depend on us(our faith) whether we make the most of this new life or not.

Now how would you live with this “New life”


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