
説教あらすじ     「『救い』  『良い行い』」   (14/05/2017)

◆『私』 ではなく 『キリスト』 [Ⅱコリント5:21]


・この世界は『業績』を重視する。(律法学者たちと同じ) ⇒ 悪魔の思うツボ。

・クリスチャンたちでさえも、「せっかくイエス様が救ってくださったんだから、頑張って報いなきゃ!」 と考える。




◆聖霊による「キリスト主導」 [エペソ2:8-10]









Outline of the sermon     Our salvation & good works.    (14/05/2017)

No longer “Me” but “Christ”. [ⅡCorinthians 5:21]

・Our “salvation” is not based on ‘our performance’ but on ‘Christs performance’.

・This world tends to take importance of “achievement”.  Therefore we, Christians, may think like this;

“I should make my best effort to repay Christ for his salvation ⇒ Satan loves this misunderstanding.

・Our performance based on this kind of motivation leads us either to “self-satisfaction” or to “self-reproach”.

Satan can attack us as long as we rely on “ourselves”.  So “submit yourself to God [James 4:7]

・Do not forget that God saved us “not because we deserve it”!

Under the leadership of Christ by the Holy Spirit. [Ephesians 2:8-10]

・Through “faith”. = Trusting from the bottom of our hearts that “Our God is a good Father.

Workmanship by “Good God” only bears “good fruits” as long as it just remains in Him.

・We are “being transformed into Christ’s likeness” because we are created “in Christ”. [ⅡCorinthians 3:18]

The Holy Spirit is the key to the transformation.  It is not “improvement” but “restoration”.

Jesus came to the earth as “a true man”.  He performed miracles not because he had a special power

but by the power of the Spirit.  And we have been chosen and sent by him to work in the same way!

[John 20:21-22]


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