
説教あらすじ         「聖霊による導き」        (18/06/2017)

*主イエスは愛の故に私たちを「ご自身との共同作業」へと招く。どうやって? ⇒ 聖霊によって。[ガラテヤ5:25]

   では聖霊は、一体どのようにして私たちを導くのか? ― 主に4つの方法がある。















◆『わざ』 ではなく、『関係』




Outline of the sermon    How does the Spirit guide us  (18/06/2017)

*Jesus invites us “to work with him” because of his love.  But how? ⇒ By his Spirit. [Galatians 5:25]

How does the Spirit guide us

  ①With His Words. [Psalm119:130]

    ・It is the Spirit who “unfold his words”.  The Spirit explains “the truth in God’s Words”.

  ②In Prayer. [Philippians 2:13]

    ・Don’t misunderstand! It doesn’t tell that “every thought come up in prayer is from the Spirit”.

       This verse is right after Jesus’ example giving up his nature of God.  We also ought to surrender ourselves

       to hear from the Spirit in prayer.

  ③Through Circumstances. [John 5:19]

    ・This is how Jesus was working with the Father.  God is still at His work around us.  When one of His works

      gets your attention, the Spirit may be inviting you to join the work.

  ④Through His Church. [John14:12]

   ・“Because I am going to the Father” means “because the Spirit will come onto the earth”. [John16:7]

   ・When the Spirit came, “His church” was born.  Jesus’ work has become much broader through his church.

Jesus is not seeking “our Works” but “our Love”.

  ・The Spirit leads us not “to make us work” but “to let us know more of Jesus”.  We learn more of Jesus

    through working with him and be drawn to deeper “love relationship” with him.


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