
説教あらすじ     「父がわたしを遣わされたように」   (21/05/2017)

◆父なる神が御子イエスを遣わされたように [ヨハネ20:21]





①父なる神の栄光を現すため [イザヤ43:7,ヨハネ17:1,4,マタイ5:16]



②キリストにあって造られた [エペソ2:10,ローマ8:28-29]


・家族が似てくるのは「努力」によるのではなく、「DNA(聖霊)の働き」 と 「一緒にいるから」。

③聖霊によって歩まなければならない [ヨハネ16:14-15,ガラテヤ5:16-17, 24-25]

・御霊の賜物(力)と 実(品性)によって歩む。 ― いつも『選択』を迫られる。




Outline of the sermon     As the Father has sent me.    (21/05/2017)

As the Father has sent His Son. [John 20:21]

◎Conversation between “God the Father” and “Jesus the Son”.(Just an imagination.)

*We are all sent by Jesus in the same way.  He does not tell every detail to us.

But he is always with each of us and guide us by the Holy Spirit in every step.

◆ 3 important things to remember.

For the glory of the Father. [Isaiah 43:7,John17:1,4,Matthew 5:16]

・Our “hard works” don’t help.  They can never come close to “the glory of God”.

・It is a matter of our “surrender”.

Created in Christ. [Ephesians 2:10,Romans 8:28-29]

・It is not “improvement” but “restoration”.

・Family members become looking like each other not by “their effort” but by “the work of DNA

(the Holy Spirit)” and also because they spend “a lot of time together”.

Live by the Holy Spirit. [John16:14-15,Galatians 5:16-17, 24-25]

・Walk with his power and guidance. ― You will always encounter choices which require “faith”.

・The way to “the cross” is inevitable for us as well as for Jesus.

We will learn more about these things in following weeks


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