
説教あらすじ     「『身の回りの出来事』の中に導きを求める前に」    (16/07/2017)

「身の回りの出来事による導き」 を学ぶ前に、いくつかの注意事項がある。








    奪おうとしているのだ」 とだます。(エデンの園の時から少しも変わらない)












Outline of the sermon     Before you seek God’s guidance in circumstances.”   (16/07/2017)

Here are some notes to remember when you seek Gods guidance in “circumstances”.

“God” is the center of our life.

・We tend to interpret “circumstances” for our own convenience.  Take notice of this!

Its not “God supports fulfillment of our goalbut “God involves us to fulfill His own goal.

The devils schemes.

・Because God earnestly seeks “Love relationship with us”, the devil tries his best to obstruct it! He brings us

every attraction of this world and says, “God is so mean and stingy that he never gives you these good things”.

           If you have trouble “having sufficient time with God”,

     you are in trouble at “the heart of your Christian life

By “faith” rather than “scheme”.

・God involves us to fulfill “His goal” in His initiative.  So remember this theory.

                Its not “We seek good ways to fulfill Gods goal”

         but “We seek how God is fulfilling His own goal” and join it.

・Since Adam & Eve ate from “the tree of the knowledge of good and evil”, men have gone in search of

many “schemes”. [Ecclesiastes 7:29]

This world requires “schemes based on human logic”, but the kingdom of God requires “faith to follow Gods

    revelation”.  Not by “thinking well” but by “trusting Gods goodness and power”. [Hebrews11:6]


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