
説教あらすじ    「イエスは賛美を受けるべきお方」   (15/04/2018)





・万物の創造主・支配者 [コロサイ1:16] であり、勝利者 [ヨハネ16:33] であり、やがて来られる王の王。


・心優しく [マタイ11:29]、さばくことがなく [ヨハネ12:47]、弱さや痛みを知っておられる方。[ヘブル4:15]

「私たちの主」イエスは… 神でありながら人となり、すべてを持っていたのに貧しくなり、聖い方なのに罪人の

友となり、強い方なのに弱さを知り、陽気な方なのに痛む者のために泣き… 言い尽くすことはできない!


◆今週の『暗唱聖句』: [ヘブル人への手紙 13章15節]


Outline of the sermon      Jesus is worthy to be praised.     (15/04/2018)

◎The topic today is “Jesus Christ is worthy for all of our praises”. [Revelation 5:12]

Why do we praise him

*Not “because we are happy” but because his ultimate character is “Worthy to be praised”!

For his surpassing greatness.

・He is the Creator of all [Colossians1:16] , the Victor [John16:33] and the King of kings who is to come.

For he is fascinating.

・He is gentle [Matthew11:29], patient [John12:47] and understanding our weakness & pain.[Hebrews 4:15]

◎Jesus, “our Lord” is … God who became human for us, rich who became poor for us, holy who became a

friend of sinners, strong who understands our weakness and stays beside us… it goes on and on!

This is why we cannot help praising “our Lord”

“A memory verse” for this week [Hebrews 13: 15]


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