
説教あらすじ   「神の最高の計画に従って生きる」  (06/01/2019)



①神様は「私がやりたくないこと」なんか、決してさせない。 ②神様は「私がやりたくないこと」しか、させてくれない。


◆「私のため(?)」の神の計画 ― 下記の5つの原則を頭に入れておくことは助けになる





最高の人生』を生きることができる。  ⑤神は「ご自身の霊(聖霊)」によって、私たちをコーチなさる。

✰今日の大切なひと言: 「私は神の計画の遂行者である」


Outline of the sermon      God has prepared you the Best.      (06/01/2019)

◆Two wrong tendencies we have.

・There are 2 wrong ideas when we think about “God’s guidance” for our lives.

God would never lead us “something I dont want”.   ②God would always lead us “something I dont want”.

・The truth is: God fulfills “His will” through “us.

◆God has His plan “for each one of us (?)”. ― Please remember next 5 points.

①God has “His own plan” from the beginning.

②God has decided to fulfill His plan through “us”.

③God created each one of us in His image to let him carry out His will.

④We can live “our best life” when we find His plan and carry it out with His coaching.

⑤God coaches us by His Spirit.

The word for this weekI am created to carry out “Gods ultimate plan”.


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