
説教あらすじ         「御父の家に住む」        (21/07/2019)

[ルカ2:41-51] ― 聖書に登場する主イエスの最初の発言(49節)






⇒ 以前にも学んだように、「信仰は方向性」。私たちの興味・関心が神様以外のものに向いていたり、










✰今日の大切なひと言: 『父の家』を見つけ、そこにとどまる。」


Outline of the sermon      “Live in ‘the Fathers house’.”     (21/07/2019)

[Luke 2:41-51] ― The first words of Jesus recorded in the Bible. (Verse 49)

◆Where is “the Fathers house”

・It is not “a building” but “where the Father is”. (There is no word which indicates “house” in Greek original.)

・Jesus meant “under the presence of the Father”.  Maybe God started revealing to Jesus about “His plan of

the Atonement” from this time as this was the time of Passover.

・Where shall we go to be in “where the Father is”?

⇒ As we have learned, “our faith is matter of Direction”.  We go far away from “God’s presence” if our

interests thoughts are attached to something belongs to this world but not God.

◆Live in “the Fathers house”.

・There are so many “spiritual hindrances” in this world, so even Jesus often withdrew for prayer.

・It wouldn’t be too hard to find “the Father’s house” if you constantly keep intimate relationship with God.

“Relationship with Him” precedes everything! God answers our earnest desire to be with Him.

・We can never depend on “our own thoughts or feelings” like “This must be where God reveals His power”.   

    What Jesus did in this story did not make sense at all to his parents.

・Eventually Jesus left Jerusalem and returned to Nazareth.  He didn’t stick to “particular place”.  There are

“time to stay” or “place to stay” for every occasion.  Important thing is our spiritual attitude to seek “living

    always in the Fathers house.

The word for this weekFind “the Fathers house” and live in it.


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