
説教あらすじ   「ヨセフの生涯に学ぶ(2)  (20/01/2019)

◆信仰は試される [創世記37章参照]


ない。まさに「なされるがまま」。これは十字架に向かっていた時のイエスにも似ている。→ [Ⅰペテロ2:21-23]

*ここで私たちが学ぶべき信仰の態度 = God knows what He is doing

◆『共におられる』神 ― 「主はヨセフと共におられた」 [創世記39:2-3,20-23]






✰今日の大切なひと言: それでも神は共におられ、ご自身の計画を進めておられる。心配ご無用


Outline of the sermon    Learn from Josephs life (2).    (20/01/2019)

◆God tests our faith. [See: Genesis chapter 37]

・Joseph’s brothers bullied him and sold him to Egypt.  However we don’t see him complaining or swearing.

He stayed silent and threw himself into their hands just as Jesus did to his enemies. → [ⅠPeter 2:21-23]

*Here is something we can learn about “trusting God”. = God knows what He is doing

◆God who is “with us”. ― “The LORD was with Joseph.” [Genesis 39:2-3,20-23]

・Jesus also promised us that “Spirit of God would be with you and in you forever”. [John14:16-17]

Be careful! This world always tries to satisfy us with something less that what God is going provide us.

・Joseph was not looking at “what is given” but “who is giving it to him”. [Genesis 39:7-9]

*This world judges things by “events or circumstances” but those who are led by the Spirit of God

fear God and judge things “whether it pleases God or not”.

The word for this weekNevertheless, God is with you and going ahead with His plan, so no worries


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