
説教あらすじ     「『神の国の富』に目を留める」    (23/06/2019)

◆「神の御霊に導かれた歩み」の特徴 ― 目には見えないものを重要視する。[Ⅱコリント4:18]










✰今日の大切なひと言: 「この世で『正しい知恵』に従って生きるには、神の霊が不可欠!」


Outline of the sermon     “Fix our eyes on the riches of His kingdom.”     (23/06/2019)

◆A characteristic of “God’s Spirit-led life”. ― Take seriously “what we cannot see”. [ⅡCorinthians 4:18]

・Our fundamental needs are on “eternal things” which come only from God such as “unending joy, everlasting

love & peace, unperishable hope” and so forth.

・If we seek these things more than “possessing visible materials”, God is able to bless our life with all of His

riches which last forever even to the heaven.

◆The Spirit of wisdom.

・In the book of Proverbs they describe “importance of wisdom”.  When we replace the word “wisdom” with

“the Spirit”, it makes very much sense.  In fact “wisdom” often appears with “the Spirit” in New Testament.

・Apostle Paul prayed for “the Spirit of wisdom and revelation” for us. [Ephesians1:17]

*God gave us His Spirit so that we may live with “wisdom and value of His kingdom” in this world!

The word for this week“Spirit of God” is indispensable to live with “right wisdom”.


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