
説教あらすじ         「御父の約束」        (04/08/2019)



[問1] ・イエスはバプテスマ(洗礼)を受ける必要があったのか? ⇒ No!

[問2] ・では何故イエスはバプテスマを受けたのか? ⇒ すべての正しいこと(義)を行うため。

・『正しいこと(義)』 = 神からズレていないこと。  「洗礼を受けること」は、その1つ。 結果はどうなった?

バプテスマを受けた → ②聖霊が注がれた → ③神に愛され喜ばれている神の子』としての認証

「イエスの見ていたもの」 = 周囲の群衆でもパリサイ人でもなく、「父の御顔 約束の成就」。


父の約束 [使徒1:4-5]

[問3] ・どんな約束? ― イエスが「神のひとり子」として地上での生涯を全うして戻って来た時、イエスを信じる





・そしてペテロは人々に確信をもって命じた。[使徒2:37-38] この命令は今日の私たちにも語られている!

✰今日の大切なひと言: ①悔い改め ②バプテスマ ③聖霊 ④『神の子』としての生涯


Outline of the sermon     “What the Father has promised.”    (04/08/2019)

[Matthew 3:13-17]

Baptism of Jesus.

[Q1] ・Did Jesus need to be baptized? ⇒ Off course, not!

[Q2] ・Then why did Jesus get baptized? ⇒ To fulfill all the righteousness.

・“Righteousness” = The things exactly God wants us to do.  So “Baptism” is definitely one of them.

①Jesus got baptized. → ②The Holy Spirit came upon him. → ③God gave him approval as “His Son”.

What was Jesus looking at = Not the crowds nor the Pharisees, but “face of the Father & His promise”.

Jesus must have burst with joy and said, “Yes, what the Father promised was really true!”.

The promise of the Father. [Acts1:4-5]

[Q3] ・What kind of promise is it? ― “I will pour My Spirit to those who believe in you if you fulfill all My Words,

then they will be living rest of their lives as ‘My Children’ on the earth.”

・And this promise was fulfilled in Acts chapter 2![Acts 2:32-33]

・There is no doubt that disciples got the same conviction with Jesus experienced in Matthew chapter 3.

“Our heavenly Father never breaks His promises

・Therefore, Peter told people with confidence. [Acts 2:37-38]   And this is told each one of us too!

The word for this weekRepentance. Baptism. The Holy Spirit.

 Living as “a child of God”.


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