
説教あらすじ  「『謙遜』を身に付ける」  (05/11/2023)

[へブル人への手紙 10章19~25節]


 ・『垂れ幕』をくぐるためには身を低くする。イエスが「肉体を取られた」のも『謙遜さ』を示している。[ピリピ2:3-8] 私たちは『謙遜』にならなければ、この「キリスト・イエスにある救い」を受け取ることはできない。[エペソ2:8-9]







✰今週のチャレンジ: どんな時に『謙遜』にさせられますか?


 ①主イエスは、どのような「謙遜の模範」を示されましたか? そこから考えさせられることを分かち合いましょう。

 ②私たちの「生まれつきの良心」の問題は何ですか? 大胆に神に近づくために、何が必要なのでしょう?


Outline of the sermon     “Clothe yourself with humility.”     (05/11/2023)

[Hebrews 101925]

Christ demonstrated true “humility”.(Verses19~20)

 ・Jesus came with “flesh”(Philippians 2:3-8) and he became “a curtain” to make us “humble”.  We can never

  receive “Salvation from God in Christ Jesus” unless we humble ourselves. [Ephesians 2:8-9]

We live in new relationships based on true “humility”.

 With God. (Verses 21~23)

  ・We(even our conscience) have to be “cleaned and washed” by the blood and water(ⅠPeter 3:21).

  ・We come before God with “true heart in full assurance of faith”.  So, when we come before God, our hearts

   should be “humbled and committed” to Him. (Isaiah 57:15)  True “humility” requires “obedience to His Word”.

 With people(family of God). (Verses 24~25)

  ・We cannot “stir up one another” without meeting together.  Yes, “fellowship” is sometimes troublesome,

   but God often uses it for our “spiritual growth”.  So let’s meet together and grow in “humility”!

Challenge for this week What kind of situation makes you humble

Todays key words:KENSON”(Humility), “RYOUSHIN”(Conscience), “ATSUMARU”(Get together).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①How did Jesus showed us an example of “humility”?  And what does it make you think?

 ②What kind of problem does “our conscience by nature” have ?

 ③Why is it important to “get together”?  How does it affect us to grow in “humility”?


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