
説教あらすじ   「モーセの信仰による選択」   (18/02/2024)

[へブル人への手紙 11章23~28節]


 ・『モーセ』は聖書の中でも特別に選ばれた人物。[出エジプト33:11] 彼は神の不思議な御手によって「パロの娘の子」として王宮の中で育てられたが、同胞であるイスラエルの民が迫害されているのを見て耐えられなくなり、王宮を去った。(24~25節)





 ・今日の『信仰による選択』というものを踏まえて、以前の『信仰の定義』を次のように言い換えることができる。⇒ 「まだ見ていない『神の約束の成就』を確信して、日々『神の民としての選択』をすること」





Outline of the sermon  “Choosing by faith like Moses.”  (18/02/2024)

[Hebrews 112328]

Who “Moses” is like

 ・“Moses” is a “special chosen person” in the Bible. [Exodus 33:11]  Though He was raised in the palace as

   “princess’ son”, he couldn’t help giving up that life to rescue “his people”.(Verses 24~25)

 ・Why did he leave the palace even though he might still have been able to rescue “his people” with holding his

   status as “princess’ son”?  Let’s seek his real reason for this “life-choice”!

What is “choosing by faith” all about(Verses 26~27)

 ・We could see something in common between “Abraham sacrificing Issac” and “God sacrificing Jesus”.  In the

   same way, we may see something in common between “Moses giving up his life in the palace” and “Christ

   coming to the earth”.  This is the significance of the choice Moses has made!

 ・Moses endured sufferings by seeing God who is invisible.  Even though he had been mistreated, he was

   experiencing “great joy” to fulfill his destiny as “God’s chosen one” to rescue “God’s people”.

 ・Our life is full of “choices”.  Through Moses’ life, we can modify our previous definition of “faith” like this:

“To make every choice as Gods chosen one with believing that God will surely fulfill what He promised”.

Todays key words:OUKYUU”(Palace), “SENTAKU”(Choice), “GISEI”(Sacrifice).

Questions to ponder on:

 ①What can you see in common between “Moses’ life” and “Christ, coming to the earth as a human”?

 ②What kind of “rewards” do you think Moses was looking at in Christ? (verse 26)

 ③Can you give any examples of “choices” we may make on the earth as “God’s chosen ones”?


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