
説教あらすじ     「神の家族を成長させるもの」  (12/04/2020)

2つのいのち [ガラテヤ5:13-17]



キリストがかしら [エペソ1:22-23]



①御霊によるとりなしの祈り(ローマ8:26-27)   ②思いがけないアイディアのメモを取る


✰今日のキーワード: 「御霊のいのち」





Outline of the sermon      “What makes us grow as Gods family?”    (12/04/2020)

Two types of Lives. [Galatians 5:13-17]

  ・We are like “Amphibia” living in “God’s kingdom” as well as this world.  As a tadpole cannot live on the land, we cannot live in God’s kingdom with lifestyle of this world.  We ought to live in God’s kingdom with “Life of the Spirit” just as when our Lord Jesus lived on the earth. [John 6:63]

Christ, Head of the church. [Ephesians1:22-23]

  ・Christ guides us to the right path of “the truth of the kingdom” by his Words & Spirit as “the Head of the church(us).  So we cannot grow as “God’s family” without following his guidance by the Spirit.  Let us spend    more time to learn how “the Spirit of God” guides us in 2 practical ways during “Lockdown period”

①Intercessory prayer by the Spirit.(Romans 8:26-27)   ②Take notes when you feel hearing the Spirit.

◎Primary ministry of the Spirit is not “performing miracles” but “uniting Gods people in New Life.

Key word for this week  “Life from the Spirit”.


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