
説教あらすじ 「ならぬ信仰するが『信仰』」    (23/05/2021)

[マルコ 5:35~43]








 ①「神のことば」と「目の前の現実」の間で悩んだ事はありますか? その時どうしましたか? 分かち合いましょう。

 ②聖書が教えている『信仰』とはどんなものだと思いますか? それぞれ「自分の言葉」に置き換えてみましょう。

 ③「終わりの日のよみがえり」を信じていますか? それは今日のあなたの生き方にどう影響していますか?

Outline of the sermon   “Do not fear, only believe.”   (23/05/2021)

[Mark 5:35~43]

Believing what God has said.

  ・God sometimes puts us in the situation where is no hope other than God.  That is exactly where Jairus was.  We have free choice if we lose hope or cling to the promise of God.  And God pleases us believing that “there will be a fulfillment of what is spoken from God”. [Isaiah 55:11]

Resurrection from the dead.

  ・For Jesus “death” is just “a long sleep”.  At the end of the day everyone of us will rise from the dead and stand before God.  Some of us may shout “Yay!”, and the others must feel devastated.

  ・Jesus could have healed every sickness and raised every dead.  We are not sure why he didn’t raise everyone. Jesus must have done only what he heard from the Father.  And this is what we should be doing as well.

Key word for this weekListen and obey.


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