
説教あらすじ 「安息日は何のため?」(10/01/2021)

[マルコ 2:23~28]





◆安息日は「人のため」に設けられた [27~28節]




✰今日のキーワード: 大切なのは 『人』


 ①『安息日』は何のために設けられましたか? あなたはそれにふさわしく『安息日』を過ごしていますか?

 ②神は何故人に『律法』を与えたのでしょう? 私たちがしばしばそれを見失ってしまうのは何故だと思いますか?


Outline of the sermon    “What is the Sabbath for?”   (10/01/2021)

[Mark 2:23~28]

What is “unlawful” on the Sabbath[Verses 23~24]

 ・Here the Pharisees pointed them out not about “eating grains from the field” but “picking heads (working!?)”.

 ・Jesus quoted the story of David(Verses 25~26) to tell them that there is no law to forbid hungry people to eat.

Purpose of the laws is not “to restrain people” but “to protect them”.

The Sabbath is “made for man”. [Verses 27~28]

 ・The sabbath is made for us “to have a rest and refresh ourselves”, and also to remember “who God is” and “what we are created for”.

    Our Father always prepares the best things and opportunities for each one of us. So let us use them not to satisfy our own desires, but to please Him with all of our hearts!

Key word for this week “Man” is always more important.


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