
説教あらすじ  「弟子への召命」(15/11/2020)

[マルコの福音書 1章16~20節]

◆弟子の特徴(共通点) ― イエスがまず最初になさった働きは、『弟子造り』!

  ①イエスに呼ばれた。  ②すぐに従った。[Ⅱコリント5:7]   ③すべてを捨てて従った。



◆弟子の受ける祝福 [マタイ19:27~30]

  ・「(迫害とともに)その百倍を受ける」「永遠のいのちを受け継ぐ」。これらは、「御名のために捨てたもの」よりもはるかに価値のあるものに違いない。私たちの天の父は『良い方』。 ⇒ モーセの信仰。[へブル11:24~27]


✰今日のキーワード: イエスに夢中



 ②「キリストの弟子として歩む」という人生にはどんな祝福がありますか? それはあなたにとって魅力的ですか?

 ③あなたは「キリストの弟子」ですか? または「そうなりたい」ですか? そう思う理由は何ですか?

Outline of the sermon     “Called to be his disciples.”    (15/11/2020)

Common features of “disciples”. [Mark 1: 16~20]

  ①Called by Jesus.  ②Followed at once. [ⅡCorinthians 5:7]   ③Left everything and followed.

   ・We don’t need any special experiences to follow Jesus.  It is all about “relationship” with him.

   ・Isn’t is too radical that even leaving own family behind and follow Jesus?  Yes, but isn’t it better following him rather than missing the chance and blaming own family later for what you missed?

Rewards for disciples. [Matthew19:27~30]

  ・We will receive “hundred times as much and eternal life”.  These must be much better than what we leave for his sake, because our Heavenly Father is a good Father! ⇒ Learn from Moses. [Hebrews11:24~27]

  ・“Disciples” are the ones who are “keen to come closer to Christ than anything else”.  No one can become like this by his “own strength” but only by “His grace”. [ⅡTimothy1:9]

Key word for this week Mad about Christ.


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