
説教あらすじ 「御国の権威によって」(22/11/2020)

[マルコの福音書 1章21~34節]                霊的世界の権威構造





◆イエスの権威 [22,27節]


  ・神の権威を用いること = 『神の国の到来』を示すこと。[マタイ12:28]


  ・復活後のイエスの権威。[マタイ28:18~19a] ⇒ 私たちも「弟子を造るため」に、この権威を委託されている!

✰今日のキーワード: 弟子を造る


 ①『悪霊』とはどんな存在ですか? また『悪霊』に対抗するために気を付けるべき点は何ですか?

 ②イエスは地上の人生において主にどのようなことをされましたか? それは何を意味していましたか?


Outline of the sermon     “Authority of the kingdom.”    (22/11/2020)

◎[Gospel of Mark 1:21~34]  Structure of “spiritual world”.

“Evil spirits”, what are they

  ・“Fallen angels” who followed Satan.  They have power over people but cannot beat those who are under authority of God.  They know God better than we do and fear God operate His power over them.

Authority of Jesus. [Verses 22, 27]

  ・Teachers of the law only teach “knowledge”, but Jesus was exercising “the authority of God”. [Luke1:30~33]

  ・“Exercising the authority of God” is actually revealing that “the kingdom of God” is there. [Matthew12:28]

  ・[Verse 34] Jesus mainly did “teaching”, “healing” and “casting out the demons”.  He even sent his disciples to do the same things. [Luke 9:1~2]  Now he sends us to make more of his disciples! [Matthew 28:18~19a]

Key word for this week Make disciples.


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