
 説教あらすじ         「『神への冒とく』とは何か?」     (27/05/2012)



   では、彼らは何故そんなイエスを殺そうとしていたのか? ➝ 『冒とく』のため[31-33節] 根拠は[レビ記24:16]

「神への冒とく」 とは?


  ②神のご性質(神性)を侮ること。        まさに、神を知る前の私たちそのまま!



しかし、パリサイ人たちはそれらのわざを「悪霊によるもの」だと言った。[マタイ9:34] これぞ「神への冒とく」!


   ・イエスのみわざはどれを取っても人間わざではない。(言ってみれば「神から」でなければ「悪魔から」) ということは、








Outline of the sermon          “What is ‘Blasphemy’?”         (27/05/2012)

[John 10:31-42] 

 *According to the attitude of Jews toward Jesus, they understood that Jesus was claiming himself as God. [Verse 33]

  Then why were they trying to kill Jesus?➝ Because of Blasphemy.[Verses 31-33]  It comes from [Leviticus 24:16]

What is Blasphemy

   Not to accept God as He is.

   To dishonor God’s divine nature.        These all sound just like how our life used to be!

   To neglect God’s will.

    ・Jesus said, “What I am doing shows you that God is with me.” [Verses 37-38]

Whereas Pharisees said that those works were done by using the power of demons.  Isn’t it Blasphemy ?!

Another kind of Blasphemy.

   ・Every work of Jesus does not look like from human strength. (which means either from God or the devil.)  So,

it is another “Blasphemy” if we experience His love but still being irresolute to him.

   ・The One who was in very nature of God, came to the earth to give his own life, so that we may become his

righteousness.  Now why can we hesitate to respond his “Grace and Truth” and give our lives to serve him!

        ◎「A story of a girl who expressed her faith under persecution in Korea.」

Don’t you want to express your faith toward Jesus just as this little girl did


じゅんこです。1990年のChristchurch JCFの創始時からJCFに参加しています。現在はめったにクライストチャーチにも行かなくなりましたが(遠いところに住んでいるので)、ウェブサイトの運営にかかわるというかたちでJCFに参加し続けています。8人の子どもを引き連れている日本人ママをクライストチャーチ周辺で目撃したら多分わたしですので気軽に声かけてくださいね~!


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