
 説教あらすじ          「様々な礼拝の形」       (08/07/2012)





   ①マルタとラザロ [2節]


       ➝ 日常生活の中で、イエスの臨在を感じ、彼を微笑ませることを意識しながら生きることも、『礼拝』


    ➝ イエスと2人きりの時間、また「神の国」を共有できる信仰の友との時間を確保することも、『礼拝』

②マリヤ [3節]



③ユダ [4~6節]


   ④イエス [7~8節]






Outline of the sermon    “Different shapes of ‘Worship’.”   (08/07/2012)

[John 12:1-8] 

◆[Verses 1-2]

   ・People in Bethany truly learned who Jesus was by Lazarus’ testimony and welcomed him with great joy and fear for a feast.

Various people at the feast. (We can see deferent shapes of Worshiphere.)

   Martha & Lazarus. [Verse 2]

     ・Martha serves as usual but having her heart towards Jesus.  Jesus must also be smiling to her.

       ➝ It is worship if you hold presence of Jesus in your daily life and be conscious of his smile to you.

  ・Lazarus must be staying as close to Jesus as possible for he misses 「the atmosphere of Heaven」.

    ➝ It is worship if you keep time alone with Jesus, also faith sharing time with your Christian friends.

Mary. [Verse 3]

  ・She expressed her 「praise and gratitude towards Jesus」 by dedicating her most precious possession.

  ・Every valuable things we have (such as: money, privilege, ability…) should be used to worship Jesus.

Judas. [Verses 4-6]

  ・His mind was filled with his failure & compensation, trying hard to falsify it. That’s what we always do! [Romans 2:15]

    Jesus. [Verses 7-8]

     ・Jesus never blames anybody even though he knows Judas’ failure and falsification.  He is the one who

redeems us! His only desire is: to have our eyes fixed on Him so that we will see His glory.

Do not waste any of gifts God has given us by using them for our own pleasure, but use them to glorify Him


じゅんこです。1990年のChristchurch JCFの創始時からJCFに参加しています。現在はめったにクライストチャーチにも行かなくなりましたが(遠いところに住んでいるので)、ウェブサイトの運営にかかわるというかたちでJCFに参加し続けています。8人の子どもを引き連れている日本人ママをクライストチャーチ周辺で目撃したら多分わたしですので気軽に声かけてくださいね~!


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