
説教あらすじ        「真理に基づいて生きる」       (20/02/2022)

[マルコ 12:13~17]

◆真理を求めない心 [13~14節]





  ・『神の真理』の代表的なものとは…  ①私たちは神のもの(神の栄光のために造られた)[詩篇100:3,イザヤ43:7]

   ②神は良い方である。[ローマ5:8,イザヤ55:7b]  ③神は私たちよりも遥かに偉大である。[イザヤ55:8-9]


✰今日のみことば: 箴言 3章5~6節




 ③あなたが今までに発見した『神の真理』には、どのようなものがありますか? 互いに分かち合いましょう。

Outline of the sermon      “Build your life on ‘the truth’.”      (20/02/2022)

[Mark 12:13~17]

Those who dont seek “the truth”. [Verses 13~14]

  ・These Jewish leaders never tried to seek “the truth of God” but only trying to trick Jesus based on their own

    philosophy.  It is so sad that some people (like intelligent criminals) are so passionate but for something wrong.

  ・The devil approaches “our mind” and twist our “image of God” so that we may not trust God.

Build life on “Gods truth”.

  ・If we use our passion for “seeking the truth of God”, we will experience real “freedom”. [John 8:31-32]

  ・Here are some examples of “God’s truth”.  ①We are God’s and created for His glory. [Psalm100:3,Isaiah 43:7]  ②God is good and 100% trustworthy. [Romans 5:8,Isaiah 55:7b]  ③God is far greater than us. [Isaiah 55:8-9]  ・We can never “discover” God’s truth with own strength.  It requires complete trust and surrender to God.

Verse for this weekProverbs 3: 5~6.


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